So, it's been a while since the last post. In some ways a lot has happened since then, yet in other ways, not so much. I obviously had much more time on my hands then, being out of work, and certainly much more to write about after having gone through such a stressful time.
Looking back at those posts is so therapeutic and spiritually refreshing. Reminds me of someone who might have kept a diary through a war or terrible storm, and then later, after the battle is over, the clouds have passed and the sun comes out, going back and rereading what was written. Makes you thankful in so many ways; thankful that God was with me during that time, thankful that I made it through, and so thankful to be in a new place. It is also gives me a spiritual recharge because once again, it proves that God does NOT leave us in times of trouble and He DOES listen to our prayers.
So, what has happened since the big 'storm' of 2009? Well, the sun did come out, the clouds did clear, and the last 7 months have been quite calm. For us, that is. I found new employment with an organization that has, for now, provided a welcome change of pace and a much needed reprieve from the former hustle and bustle I had come to accepted as 'the norm'. Thankfully, Mike continues to enjoy his employment and has a great relationship with his boss. We were fortunate to have a large family gathering for the holidays, have begun some new projects on the house, and have recently taken up cycling to keep us in shape. All, during a time of blessed financial security and relatively good health. SO many things to be thankful for right now. Indeed, it feels like the quiet after the storm.
Then I think back to what I read last year about why we go through tough times.... to help prepare us for ministry to others, to strengthen our roots to withstand future storms, and to help us appreciate the good times - all of which appear to be true. We are certainly appreciating our current blessings, and I am reminded that no matter what happens in our lives, God will be right there to guide us and give us strength. But while the storms in our lives have subsided, we have no doubt seen the dark clouds roll in to the lives of those around us in recent months. Which is exactly why God's timing is perfect; afterall, how could we have been equipped to support a friend or family member when I was moping around, wounded and struggling to get through each day? Needless to say, the moment we saw a friend and family member in need, that was our cue to step up and step in with a hand and shoulder.
It is wonderful to see God at work in our lives, and it feels wonderful to be able to offer an empathetic ear or a helping hand to someone else going through a life crisis at the moment. It hurts to see those you love in pain or struggling with life, but I know our prayers are being heard and I know God is at work in each of their lives, providing strength to help them get through each day, whether they feel it or not.
We are not home yet - THIS is not our home - this is the journey, and the path is rough through a dark and dangerous jungle full of wolves and poison ivy. God recently provided us with some much needed armor and a new pair of comfortable hiking boots, so blessed are we who can offer some water and momentary shelter to our loved ones currently feeling battered and bruised as they travel on their journies.
I am so happy to know that my mother is home. I miss you, mom.
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