After a relatively short wait and an ultrasound, it turned out that poor little Taylor had only 2 ounces of fluid left! My waters HAD broken and likely DAYS if not a week prior. UGH!!!! She could have been here earlier afterall! How frustrating... and scary; I had tested positive for Group B Strep, which means that having had ruptured membranes for so long both she and I could have been infected and become seriously ill. Needless to say, the nurses administered IV antibiotics ASAP, and advised that Taylor would be born in a few hours.
With that news we were both scared and thrilled. Scared that she might be ill but thrilled that our wait was over and we would soon meet our little angel. The next few hours seemed to go by in minutes. First, they wanted to induce labor so they administered the pitocin. However, after a second ultrasound they estimated that she was going to be a LARGE baby... averaging 9 lbs. With that news, the low amniotic fluid, and the previous surgery I'd had for the fibroids, the doctor and midwife recommended a C-section.
After the bizarre epidural experience (very strange to be numb from the chest down) and what seemed like only a few minutes, from behind the "blue curtain" appeared our darling, precious baby girl, Taylor Colleen!! After a quick clean up and some footprints for daddy, she was placed on my chest for a brief hello while they stitched me up. I'll never forget the enourmous pout she had on her face at that moment. Almost as if to say, "why'd you keep me in there so long!?" or "Why'd you take me out of my cozy home!?"
This quickly became the happiest moment of our lives!