Today marks one week since Taylor's due date and only 3 days until her induction date of 1/5. What an exercise in patience and a reminder that we are not in control of everything in life.
I believe that God gives us what we need not what we want, but it is so difficult to swallow when the joy that will fill the rest of your life is still possibly days away. Waiting for something has never been so difficult in all my life.
Mike has never been more supportive, compassionate, attentive and wonderful, and I know he is anxious as well. Our daydreams of a Christmas baby have come and gone, as have our hopes for a child with a birthday as unique as 1/1/11. With only 4 possible birthdates left, I'm sure we will make it; we just need to find something to keep us distracted until then... and something to give us patience until she arrives. :-)
We are anxiously awaiting your arrival, Taylor, and so is the rest of the family. We love you already and hope you are happy, healthy and comfy inside.